Testimonials for ColourWisdom Readings

Just wanted to provide some more (positive!) feedback now that I've had a chance to sit with the healing and my energies are more settled.

I feel great! Honestly, I definitely feel a difference. Even though my external stressors have not changed, I feel much more grounded and level-headed. Thank you so much!

I loved the insights you received and passed onto me, they resonated with me very much. I agreed with all of them and felt that you were able to identify the issues I was facing without me having to say anything.

I thought the amount of time for the session was perfect, I believe total time was around the one hour mark, which I think is reasonable for a working person.

Overall, a satisfied customer and just wanted to say keep up the great work :).
 Feel free to use any of this as a testimonial on your website if you'd like :). Samaa Ali

As an American and an empath living the nightmare of Donald Trump I was feeling quite overwhelmed.
I turned to Suzanne and she suggested a "Distant" ColourWisdom Session.

During the session she 'unburied' some of my past experiences I was unable to let go of and discovered misaligned chakras. Suzanne recommended some simple solutions
and asked me to "revisit" a diagram that she provided, in a week. It was then that I realized how much energy I was unconsciously giving away 'for free' to Donald Trump and how he was literally draining me.
I am now becoming very conscious of negative energy and it's effects on my emotions and body.
Suzanne is compassionate and gifted. Highly Recommend J L L

Thank you so much for your session. It helped me realize just how much healing can happen with energy work. Past Lives and all. “   Marina G. 

Testimonial for "Techniques to Stabilize and Tame Emotions" workshop  June 2017

Suzanne’s workshop “Techniques to Stabilize and Tame Emotions” resulted in an immediate positive benefit to my out of school care program.  My staff members are now much better equipped to interact with children who are highly emotional or upset.  While everything we learned was beneficial at a personal level, we realized that the hands-on techniques were immediately applicable into our childcare program, and easily taught to any child in need of support to calm themselves down.  The session also taught staff to help these sensitive children take ownership of their own emotions and be more mindful to avoid taking on the feelings of others around them.  Altogether, this session was filled with a lot of laughter and interesting conversation, rooted in science but also bolstered by snippets of Eastern-based energy theories.  My staff came away empowered with some wisdom for self-help and tips to avoid and regulate emotional flooding, as well as armed with practical and straightforward techniques to support children to ground themselves and be mindful of their emotional state.  I would recommend this workshop for any individual, but especially for parents and those who work with children.  I found this workshop to be a fabulous investment toward Professional Development for my whole staff team!

Kathryn Babowal, BA BEd

Les Petits Soleils Inc.

Preschool and Before & After School Care Programs

Grey Nuns conference speaking thank you cropped.jpg

Testimonial for Past Life Enquiry

"Suzanne is amazing at what she does. She has an abundance of knowledge and advice she shares. I was suffering from pain and intense knots in my neck, upper back region and nothing was helping it. Suzanne had suggested Past Lives therapy and I thought 'why not?'. The session and result was unexpected. I was able to let go of past issues and absolve myself and others that had done me harm. To my delight, my pain completely left me and I have never felt better"   - MR

“Decoding Emotions and Energy Balancing in the Body” Workshop - March 2020

“Enjoyed the stories that related to each point. Really liked the hands on techniques. Loved the atmosphere, snacks and laughs. Exceeded my expectations. Thank you!” Cherie Caron RMT

“Good intro to new techniques. Excellent content, presenter, & learning aids. Exceeded my expectations. Reasonable cost. ” Tammy Sorensen RMT

Testimonials for "Decoding Emotions in the Body"  Workshop

"Exceeded my expectations! Very good energy and flow.  Content, presenter, and learning aids were all 5 out of 5.  I would love a longer extra day!  :D   I would recommend it to others.  Cost was reasonable, I enjoyed the comfort of being able to move, eat, get up & move."   Tammy James, RMT

"Loved the handouts.  Really liked in-depth understanding of fascia" 

"I really liked the flexibility.  I very much appreciate that Suzanne was in tune with my needs to learn. I can't think of how to improve this workshop.  I received exactly what I needed and so much more! " Pamela Fischer, June 2018.  

"Usefulness of content, quality of presenter, and quality of learning aids:  all excellent!"  S.N. 

"Suzanne is very knowledgeable and passionate about her trade, an excellent presenter"  A.K.

"This workshop exceeded my expectations.  It was excellent and exactly what I looked for!" S.G.

"Very informative and opened my mind.  "I really liked the discussions and realizations" A.M.

"I would absolutely recommend this class to others" D.R.

"The workshop gave me some new tools and guidelines to look for emotional disturbances in the body.  The discussions were excellent amongst students and the instructor.  Very good clarity of presenter.  I will recommend this course to others interested. "

Testimonials for "Moving Forward from Past Lives & Experiences" at Prime Time Conference Oct 2017

"Loved the past life exercise.  Got an answer (or a niggling) of how to deal with a current situation.  Presenter was engaging, vibrant, passionate, enlivened, energetic, fully present, inquiring, delightful.  Excellent +++++ "

"Exceeded my expectations.  I really liked the guided meditation.  Presenter, content and learning aids were all excellent" 

"I really liked that this class gave me a different perspective" 

"I would like to have more time to learn more.  I enjoyed accessing memories that are stored.  This class exceeded my expectations " A.B.

"I really liked the 'thinking outside of the box'  "

"I really liked the energy level of Suzanne"

"I liked everything about this talk.  Very interesting." 

"I would definitely recommend this to others.  I really liked the past life experience"

"Usefulness of content, quality of presenter, and quality of learning aids:  all excellent!"  

Testimonials for "Massage for Couples" class

“Suzanne made the class informative, relaxed and fun. Who could ask for more in a situation that could be a little awkward? Exceeded my expectations ” Dawn Allen

“I really liked that Suzanne demonstrated all techniques and then followed up to ensure proper technique. Excellent content and presenter ” Tony Smith

“I really enjoyed Suzanne’s energy, warm class & positive vibes, attention to detail was #1, very well presented” Corinne and Alan Link

“I liked the pace of activity, the instructor was very knowledgeable and easygoing, flexible. Can’t think of any way to improve this class. I would recommend to others .” D. Smith

“The length and size of the class allowed one on one coaching. I liked the thorough, friendly, enthusiastic, knowledgeable teacher. Exceeded my expectations” Nicole Spring

"This class exceeded my expectations  D.H. "

"I really liked the skill of the teacher.  This class exceeded my expectations  H.H."

"The content, quality of presenter, and learning aids were all excellent.  I really liked having plenty of practice time and learning about spine expansion.  I will recommend this class to others."

Nov 18, 2017:  out of 10 attendees, 8 circled "this class exceeded my expectations; the usefulness of content, quality of presenter and quality of learning aids were excellent". 

The other 2 circled "met my expectations; content & presenter were very good".  

"I really liked the hands on teaching and the cues Suzanne used to help us remember.  Suzanne is a fabulous teacher.  I absolutely recommend it to others.  Exceeded my expectations.  Excellent content, fantastic presenter, and 5 out of 5 for quality of learning aids.  I can't think of any way to improve this class. " Alison Davies   March 2018

"I really liked that this class was practical to use at home. Exceeded my expectations.  I would recommend this class to others.  5 out of 5 for usefulness of content, quality of presenter, and quality of learning aids. " Heather Theriault  April 2018

"I really liked that the instructor was cheerful and knowledgeable. 5 out of 5 for usefulness of content, quality of presenter, and quality of learning aids.  The class met my expectations.  I would recommend this class to others. " Evelyn Langille  April 2018

"I really liked the depth of explanations and basically everything!  5 out of 5 for usefulness of content, quality of presenter, and quality of learning aids.  The class exceeded my expectations.  Yes! I would recommend this class to others. " Sarah  April 2018

“Instructor was exceptional! Really took the time to demonstrate how to best do all techniques. Excellent! This class is perfect as it. Exceeded my expectations.” Janice Arbour April 2019

“I loved how personable Suzanne was. She was able to engage and keep me engaged throughout the class. She also made the content relatable and easy to understand.” Chelsea D. April 2019

Testimonials for "Shifting Emotions & Energy in the Body" workshop  April 2018

"Great introductory workshop.  Excellent experience and access to resources.  I really liked the hands on practice and very friendly atmosphere.  4 out of 5 for usefulness of content, 5 out of 5 for quality of presenter, and quality of learning aids. "   Liliana Hernandez, RMT

 Testimonials for "Decoding & Shifting Emotions & Energy in the Body" workshop  August 2018

"I really liked learning how to look at your body and pain connections to self heal and bring back awareness to what is going on.  Excellent quality of content, presenter, and learning aids.  I would recommend it to others as it exceeded my expectations and was reasonable cost.  Thank you for the tools you have shown/offered to help me better myself and my clients as the days continue to unfold. " Nikki Sokul, RMT

Testimonials for “Fascinating Fascia” class at Metro Con Ed March 2019

“I really liked the props and tools Suzanne used to show how fascia moves. The information was very useful and practical to share with others. This class exceeded my expectations and I recommend it to others ” Patricia Gosse, RMT

Testimonial for Shrug Off Stress Physical Techniques to Manage Mood & Tension for Metro - Nov 2021

I recently attended your Metro PD session called, "Shrug off Stress" . I really enjoyed your presentation style and how much that you shared with us that day. I loved how you positioned yourself so that we could see how to use the balls in the socks (fabulous!) and that you shared some research with us about what stress does to us.

Very informative, engaging and I am going to definitely make a few "sock balls" for some special colleagues. I have used one ball before but your idea of two inside a sock is much better!

I also liked that you encouraged us to utilize our benefits. This is really important too. I identified with "it has to hurt to be effective" too. Amanda Lambert

Testimonials for Align Your Intention with a Crystal Grid April 2022

“I really liked the extensive information and interaction with students. Lots of sharing and suggestions on how to incorporate these techniques and tools into our daily practice. Absolutely recommend it to others, my expectations were exceeded. Thank you! “ Janelle A.

“I enjoyed the presenter’s knowledge of content. I didn’t know I would be as engaged as I was during the session. The space, presenter, tone, voice, interaction with the participants, the tools, were the perfect combination for this awesome interactive learning experience. The cost was reasonable and the class exceeded my expectations. “ Geneva

Testimonial for Shrug Off Stress Physical Techniques to Manage Mood & Tension for Metro - Nov 2022

I used the breathing technique she showed us the same night I took the course and it really helped me to fall asleep faster!

Suzanne was very enthusiastic and engaged. I enjoyed listening to her.

The layout was interesting and informative. I really felt a difference. Great session!

The presenter was very knowable on her topic She gave us many ideas to try at home

Testimonial for Surround Sound Bath

How do you feel after a sound bath?

“I would say improved sleep, overall feeling of wellness and positivity . A way to reset and refocus energy towards wellness is what I find. I'm a meditator by nature so sound bathing helps me supercharge!!” Glenda