ColourWisdom Readings

ColourWisdom is energy field readings perceiving past lives, spirit guides, oaths, & energetic “baggage” plus practical suggestions for transcending life lessons. 60 minute session.

How it helps

Clarity about stuck areas in your physical body & energy field

Discover unseen helpers and subconscious patterns

Remove static and baggage you didn't realize was there

Practical insights about how to move forward

“Rev up your atoms", liberate your field and move towards the best version of you!

How it works when done at distance

Step 1: We chat by phone, to fine tune today's priority question (may be emotional, physical, mental or spiritual)

Step 2: You rest quietly, receiving 15 minutes of distance energy while I create your Energy Field Report.  I email you the scanned report, then call you right after to discuss.

Step 3:  I guide you to release patterns and to consciously integrate upgrades offered by your Soul's wisdom. 

Suzanne is a Reiki Master, ColourWisdom and Colourtouch Practitioner (liberating energy fields governing the physical), Massage & Craniosacral Therapist.  Member of Natural Health Practitioners of Canada Association since 2008. Prior career in Cardiac Intensive Care for 26 years.

How to maximize your experience

Hydrate in advance, and arrange to be undisturbed (unless emergency). 

Have water to sip on.

Place your tablet or laptop nearby to look at your report afterwards. 

A paper & pen is handy to jot down notes.

At the scheduled time:  

I phone you to fine tune today's priority question.

After we hang up, have your phone on Vibrate.

Remove eye glasses, have a sip of water, loosen tight clothing.

Recline comfortably for 15 minutes.

During the session:  

You observe any subtle mental, emotional or physical changes (eg  twinges, tingles, buzzing, temperature changes, flushes, pressure, tummy gurgles, words or memories that surface, feelings that pop up, "movies" that play in your head, colors or sounds you perceive, etc) 

You simply drift with the delicious relaxation, fall asleep, or stay alert - you can't do it wrong.   Jot down feelings, sensations, colors, images, memories, etc.  

At the end of the 15 minutes:   I call you again to discuss, release, and integrate. 


“As an American and an empath living the nightmare of Donald Trump I was feeling quite overwhelmed.
I turned to Suzanne and she suggested a "Distant" ColourWisdom Session.

During the session she 'unburied' some of my past experiences I was unable to let go of and discovered misaligned chakras. Suzanne recommended some simple solutions
and asked me to "revisit" a diagram that she provided, in a week. It was then that I realized how much energy I was unconsciously giving away 'for free' to Donald Trump and how he was literally draining me.
I am now becoming very conscious of negative energy and it's effects on my emotions and body.
Suzanne is compassionate and gifted. Highly Recommend J L L “

“ Thank you so much for your session. It helped me realize just how much healing can happen with energy work. Past Lives and all. “   Marina G. 

“Just wanted to provide some more (positive!) feedback now that I've had a chance to sit with the healing and my energies are more settled.

I feel great! Honestly, I definitely feel a difference. Even though my external stressors have not changed, I feel much more grounded and level-headed. Thank you so much!

I loved the insights you received and passed onto me, they resonated with me very much. I agreed with all of them and felt that you were able to identify the issues I was facing without me having to say anything.

I thought the amount of time for the session was perfect, I believe total time was around the one hour mark, which I think is reasonable for a working person.

Overall, a satisfied customer … keep up the great work :) ”  Samaa Ali