Are you agonizing over

Why do I keep attracting this stuff  ?

Why can't I shake this pattern  ?

Release blocked energy patterns by examining your soul record.


We are Spirit Beings, choosing to manifest into a physical reality.  

We do this countless times to learn many lessons -- like actors, playing many roles, one per lifetime.

You experience the lessons of the script from different angles, each one unique.

Unhealed memories of previous physical incarnations create struggles in your life: 

physical problems, difficult relationships, stuck patterns, unsettled feelings, etc.

  • Insights into past lives & belief systems (our "BS"!) help you navigate today's challenges from a new perspective. 

  • Mastering the lesson allows you to stop repeating it in your current life. 

  • Clarity about a pattern frees up more vitality (life force).

  • Use this extra energy to move ahead with your life purpose; towards peace of mind.

Testimonial for Past Life Enquiry

"Suzanne is amazing at what she does. She has an abundance of knowledge and advice she shares. I was suffering from pain and intense knots in my neck, upper back region and nothing was helping it. Suzanne had suggested Past Lives therapy and I thought 'why not?'. The session and result was unexpected. I was able to let go of past issues and absolve myself and others that had done me harm. To my delight, my pain completely left me and I have never felt better"   - MR

Forgiveness is FOR GIVING yourself back the piece of your soul that’s been sidetracked