Suzanne Belanger, Sound Bath Facilitator.jpg
Suzanne Belanger, Sound Bath Facilitator.jpg





(see   EVENTS   tab   for   scheduled   classes)

call or text to register   587 357 1615


Shrug off Stress: Physical Techniques to Manage Mood & Tension A great session for the workplace (eg lunch and learn, PD day, staff appreciation. Easy techniques and tools for DIY treatment of tension and stress. ** Can be offered as a virtual presentation **

Decoding Emotions & Energy Balancing in Bodywork  2 full days, What clues hide in body pain? Take this course if you wonder what is the purpose of body pain, want to decode pain messages & learn practical ways to blend energetic techniques into your modality.     

 Meditation with Sound and Vibration   A "sound bath" lets you shed stress quickly and easily to soothe your mind & body.  A holistic massage therapist guides you in experiencing gentle harmony of your physical, mental and emotional bodies. A great addition to existing meditation practices or a strong foundation for beginners.  Wear loose layered clothing. This may be experienced while stretched out (on the yoga mat you bring) or seated in a chair.  Please bring a light blanket, small pillow and water to drink.

Practical Intuition for Everyday Life   What it is, how to apply it, &  how to amplify with a variety of tools and techniques

Past Lives:  How Do They Affect Us Today?  Explore theories about how past lives work, why they can influence our present life, and ways to tune into those memories  

Clear Your Space with an Energy Grid    Learn to use crystals and other symbolic objects to clear & improve the energy of your space.   Custom design a simple yet powerful grid for an area you choose in your world.

Unlock Issues in Your Tissues   Buried or unresolved issues deplete our vitality.   Tense thoughts can create pain and dysfunction in the body.  Explore intuitive tools to help connect with and release trapped emotions. 

Become a More Intuitive Therapist    Skills to help you tune into your clients on a deeper level.  Expand your understanding of what their bodies are telling you.  Clients feel "heard" & love to come back. 

Cures for Cubicle “Cramps”      Reduce pain at work & at home.  Self-massage for upper body muscle pain & head forward posture. Experience FAST relief with easy-to-use tools.  Try easy movements to stop build-up of tension.  Amplify the benefit of professional massage or chiro treatments.  Perfect for OFFICE groups.

Tame Body Pain for Active Adults    A fun and easy self-care class to treat muscle and fascia pain. An experienced holistic massage therapist will guide you through techniques to relieve pain caused by everyday"wear and tear" and times when we "over do it".  Wear loose stretchy clothing and bring a yoga mat, small pillow, and water to drink. If you have an IT band roller or similar self help tools, bring them along. This class is not intended for those who are very frail or have serious health challenges.

Acupressure for Anxiety, Insomnia & other Stressors Key points on Oriental Medicine meridians on the body, combined with gentle techniques that anyone can do. Designed to reset a nervous system that's been working overtime!  We work over the loose comfy clothing you and your partner are wearing. May be done seated in a chair, or you may choose to stretch out on the yoga mat you bring. Also, please bring a light blanket, pillow, and water to drink.   

Learn the Pendulum (Dowsing)    Amplify your gut feelings &  focus your intuition with a pendulum.   “Park” your logical mind while you explore your inner wisdom. For everyday questions and spiritual inquiries.   No experience needed.  Demo pendulums provided.

Understand "Muscle Testing"        "Talk" with your subconscious  (intuition)  via your  body.   Discover how the energy of food, cell phones, supplements, words, & music impact your field.   Experiment with several methods to find which works best for you.   You may bring your own items to test.   

How to Sense Energy Fields     "Wake up" energy receptors in your hands. Practice sensing energy fields around others.   Learn to change your receptivity & how to protect your field.  

Fascinating Fascia        Discover the "living matrix" (connective tissue) that touches every single cell of our body.    Find out how it's involved in our physical  &  mental well being.  Hear how it conducts information --  the superhighway of our intuition!   Learn what improves your fascia's health -- after all, it's your "antenna" to the Universe".

Stress Busting Massage Techniques for Head & Shoulders   (NOTE done as pairs. One person is standing, the other is seated.  No supplies required)  Simple, effective, easy massage techniques you get to try (and receive!) for relaxing everyday stress. You'll trade spots with your partner so you both get a turn to enjoy.  Seated, clothes-on massage is great for home or the office, and useful for all ages.  Wear a loose t shirt and bring water to drink.

Dealing with Artist Aches   Don't miss another minute of the creative work you love due to kinks in your neck, a sore back or stiff hands!   A massage therapist, who also delights in creating art, offers DIY techniques to undo the body tension or headaches that build up due to the hours in your art studio.  Try clever massage tools and techniques to care for and prevent pain in your neck, shoulders, hands, wrists, fingers and back.  You'll be sitting, standing and moving your limbs.  Wear loose comfy clothing and bring water to drink.

Soothing Massage for Couples  Time for TLC as a pair (with equal time on the massage table for you both !)  You'll be guided to engage in easy yet effective techniques with personalized professional coaching, with adaptations you can use at home.  A delightful blend of relaxation, therapeutic and spa approaches. Participants will be covered with sheets and blankets for modesty and warmth, and ladies may also wear a 2 piece bathing suit during the massages. A great way to get back "in touch" with your partner! 

---   Length of session may be customized to your group's needs   ---

“ You   must   go   on   adventures   to   find   out   where   you   truly   belong ”